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million uses for duct tape
Red Green rocks!
6186 Views | 0 tips | User hawkessg | Created 15/05/2010 06:27
Annoying Orange 1

6205 Views | 0 tips | User wewok | Created 13/05/2010 17:11
The first Mouse
Davinci did it with the helicopter. This could happen...
6206 Views | 0 tips | User | Created 07/06/2010 08:22
Microsoft Jokes
6221 Views | 0 tips | User wewok | Created 24/04/2010 19:47
Angry Swan
This Swan looks like it is not having a good day
6222 Views | 0 tips | User robert | Created 24/04/2010 19:14
Traditional Yoga
In category Comedians
This is normal Yoga, please check out the Irish Yoga for an alternate approach
6260 Views | 0 tips | User wewok | Created 12/12/2009 15:21
sneezing panda
That was a sneeze?
6268 Views | 5 tips | User shortcut | Created 26/04/2010 08:49
Happy Birthday to You
Great Happy Birthday video - music by the Arrogant Worms
6274 Views | 0 tips | User wewok | Created 18/05/2010 16:58
Kid can't kick the ball
How we delight in the frustrations of others!
6280 Views | 0 tips | User shortcut | Created 26/04/2010 07:48
backflip basketball
Amazing shot. Might make the NBA a little more exciting.
6294 Views | 11 tips | User hawkessg | Created 26/04/2010 08:00
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